

how to increase your hight?

If you are shorter than 175cm and want to grow tall then read this ...

Researcher and teacher of postural gymnastics reveals how you too can grow in height and increase your height up to 4-5cm
(even after the developmental age) "
If you think that to grow taller and grow taller you need:

Undergo painful limb stretch operations
Resort to expensive injections of growth hormone (GH)
Inject fillers of dangerous chemicals into the heels
Take miracle pills
Wear heel raisers or other temporary solutions

If you are shorter than 175cm and are looking for a tested system to grow naturally in height and increase your stature up to 4-5cm (even after the age of development), then on this page you will find out how you can do it too.

That's why you have to listen to me
You must know that my decision to become a researcher and teacher of postural gymnastics was born to solve my problem of short stature, in fact years ago I was only 158cm tall.

I was always the lowest of all my peers and even boys or girls younger than me who made fun of me for my stature.

This caused me several problems of self-esteem in fact seeing my friends taller than me made me feel inferior and I felt a constant sense of insecurity, as if there was something wrong with me.

I had difficulty finding clothes that fit me well, everything was long (as well as wide) For this reason I went to different specialists asking them ...

Is it possible to grow in height after the developmental age?
All these specialists gave me the same answer or that it was not possible to stretch the bones after the developmental age unless undergoing a painful bone lengthening surgery.

Thinking about it later, I asked myself: «but even if there was a system to grow tall in a natural and painless way, would they have told me? »

After all, the price of a bone lengthening surgery starts at € 14,000 and "perhaps" would not be in their interest to inform me of alternative solutions.

For this reason I decided to continue my research without being influenced by those who had obvious conflicts of interest in recommending an expensive limb lengthening surgery.

My research led me to follow a training course in the Netherlands as it is a documented fact that to date the Dutch are the highest population in the world, according to an article in Focus, women reach on average 171cm and men 184cm.

The incredible discovery, however, is that according to data from the "Secular trend" study, the Dutch only became the highest European population recently, around 1980.

Until 1850 they were one of the lowest populations in Europe with an average height of only 165cm.

Now pay attention ...

What you are about to discover is confidential information that no one has an interest in revealing because the problem of short stature generates a turnover of millions of euros through the sale of expensive surgical operations of bone lengthening, hormonal therapies and pills of dubious efficacy. I always felt uncomfortable when I had to expose my opinions in public because I was always afraid of not being taken seriously but of being judged for my height.

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