How to increase blog website traffic
I am giving you some tips to bring Organic Traffic on Blog. If you follow these tips, then believe that in a few days Organic Traffic will start coming on your blog. It is called Organic Traffic.
How to increase blog website traffic
As far as I believe it is the dream of every blogger to earn money by creating a blog, but when there is no visitors on the blog then how will the money be earned. Then they search on the Internet How To Increase Traffic On Blog. How to increase original traffic on blog, how to increase traffic on blog, how to increase traffic on blog in Hindi, how to increase traffic on blog in hindi, organic traffic.
Here I want to tell you one thing, when you read a post, then you do not follow it, then there is no benefit, so read my post carefully, because this post we will give you Blog Website Ki Traffic I am going to tell full details of increase blog traffic.
How to increase blog traffic 15 Best way to increase your blog traffic.
We are going to tell you the 15 best ways to increase the traffic of the blog website. Believe that if you follow these methods, no one can stop the traffic coming to your blog.
Seo Friendly Blog
For the blog to increase traffic, it is very important for the blog to be Seo Friendly. When your blog will be Seo Friendly only then you will come in Search Engine. And you will get organic traffic from Search Engine. I have written a post on how to make Blog Seo Friendly, you should first read this post.
Keyword Research
After making blog Seo-friendly, whenever you write a post, first search for it on the Internet. If a lot of posts have already been shared on that Keyword, then there is no benefit in writing the post. Still if you want to write
Find hidden flaws inside those posts. What did he lack in writing the post. You write that post in detail and explain it to the reader through a screen shot. In this way, the reader will be attracted to you blog. And visitors. Will be converted to reader.
Before writing a post, you must do Keyword Research. You can use Google Keyword Planner Tool to do Keyword Research and install Keywords Everywhere - Keyword Tool Extensions in your Chrome Browser and find out about that Keyword.
Use the same Keyword which has Monthly Search Volume High. But if the competition is low, use the High CPC Keyword in your post, so that your earning from Adsense is also increased.
Write Post Trends Topics
You wrote a post on Trending Topics. By writing a post on Trends Topics Topic, your chances of getting the post on the first page are increased. If your post comes on the first page, then many visitors will come to your blog. Because most people who are on the post first page. Let's click on it only.
In this way you can bring more visitors to your blog. To find the trending topic you can use Google Trends, you can find the latest Keyword from Google Trends.
That is, which topic is being searched most about Phil Hall. By publishing the post on the latest Keyword, your blog will have a Traffic Increase. That is, you will get Organic Traffic from Search Engine.
Write Seo Friendly Post
After doing Keyword Research, you wrote a post Seo Friendly. Seo Friendly means Search Engine Optimization i.e. search engine friendly that can be easily accessed in Search Engine To write Seo Friendly post, you have to target the main Keyword and write the post and use the Keyword in the right place.
You must add the Post Title and Heading Keyword to the Post Title and Heading. Because the Search Engine first searches Post Title and Heading. By adding Keyword to the post title and heading, Search Engine can easily know what the post is about.
You must use the first and last paragraph main keyword in the first paragraph and last paragraph. Cuki also searches Search Engine First and Last Paragraph
Post Image Alt Tag must also have the Keyword inside the Alt Tag in the intro image of your post. Because 1 image is equal to 1000
Use Keyword H2 H3 Use Keyword in H2 H3, remember that H1 is the title of the post, H2 is Heading, H3 is Subheading.
Add Keyword in Search Description, Search Description and tell about the post, what you have written in this post. Search Description What I write appears below the post title in the search engine, thus the visitor can read it easily. Understand what information is given in this post
Apart from this, you should bold italic.Underline the main Keyword. So that both Search Eagine and Reader are easy to understand
Friends, in this way, you can make the post Seo Friendly. Sooner will write the post about how to write a post Seo Friendly. Let's go ahead now Apne Blog Par Traffic Kaise Laye
Share post social network
After publishing the post. It is very important to recognize the post to the people. For this you can take the support of social network like Facebook, Twitter. Pinterest. Digg. Delicious. Linkedin Reddit.
The more you share the post on social network, the more you will benefit. By sharing the post on the social network, you will also get traffic from there. Also, your chances of getting posts in Search Engine also increase.
Add Email Subscribe Widget Blog
Make sure to put an Email Subscribe box in your blog because if you like the information shared by the reader, then you will subscribe to your blog to get the information of the new post.
Whenever you publish a post by subscribing to the blog, notification of that post will go away. Know notification, subscribe will visit your blog to read the post. With which the traffic of your blog will increase.
Like you, your subscription will increase. As such, the readers of the blog will also grow. Suppose you do not subscribe to Blog 1 at the moment, but when you put an Email Subscribe box in your blog. Gradually, subscribe increases to 1000
So, when you publish the post, 1000 will subscribe and then you will visit your blog. If 1000 people also read 2 posts of Subscribe Blog, then 2000 Page Views has been reached. For this you can also apply Email Subscribe Popup in your blog.
Comment is also a good way to increase the traffic of your blog. You can comment on your related blog, while commenting, you must add a link to your blog. You should try to comment first. Keep the comment separate from others. The second reader should look at your comment.
Only then will they click on your name, after clicking on your name, they will redirect to your blog and come to your blog. Which will cause traffic increase of your blog.
In this way, you can bring traffic to your blog by commenting, you can also replay the reader's comment on your blog. By doing this, the reader will like your blog more.
Would like to come to your blog again and again and can also bookmark your blog in your browser. By doing this, Visitor will come more on your blog.
Guest post
This is a great way to increase the traffic of your blog through a guest post. Related to your blog. Post a guest on Popular Blog. By posting a guest, you will also get a Dofollow Backlink from that blog. Also, your blog will come through traffic divert from that blog.
Regular Update Blog
This is 100% true if you publish a post on your blog in 15 or 20 days, then Google will also crawl your blog from 15 to 20 days. If you publish daily post then Google will also daily crawl your blog. And will index your post fast
Unless the post index is not there, it will not come in Search Engine, so to bring traffic from Search Engine, Regularly update your blog, that is to update Regular Blog to increase Organic Traffic, you must publish at least 2 posts in a week.
Active social media
Social Media is a very good way to increase traffic on your blog for free, so spend some time on social media as well. You can join the Facebook group related to your blog. You will also get to learn in the group and you will also help others, so that you will be identified. And you will also get traffic.
Use SSL https
Google has downgraded the website blog without https to search engine. In addition, if someone opens a website without https in Google Chrome Browser, then the message of No Secure is shown. Due to which he has a loss of traffic coming from Search Engine. That is why enable Free SSL https on your blog today.
Use Fast Loading Blog Template
Fast loading of blog is very important. Q: No one has time to wait for tomorrow, if your blog opens in 3 seconds then it is fine. Otherwise, upload Fast Loading Template on your blog.
Because the blog which opens slow, leaves the visitor and moves to another blog, due to which there is loss of traffic. So make your blog fast loading. To check your blog loading time, you can check by going to
Join Forums
People often answer questions inside forums. You can get more readers on your blog by giving some time in forums. If someone asks a question, you answer it. You can also add a link to your blog post related to the question
Visitors will come to your blog through that link. Which will increase the traffic of your blog. And you will also get a backlink. By joining Forums, you will also be identified with another blogger, which will benefit you a lot. For this you can join Yahoo Answers and Quora.
Create a YouTube channel named after your blog
Youtube is a very big platform for watching videos, you leave a Youtube channel in the name of your blog or website, and make a video about the posts you publish on the blog and upload it on Youtube. And put a link to that post in the description so that you can also generate good traffic from Youtube.
update old post
It is very important to update the old post, everything changes with the passage of time, if you have shared any information and that information is still out of date then you should share new information in that post.
Suppose you wrote a post about Google Console but now Google Console has been updated, then you have to update your post in the same way.
After updating the post, republish it in Present Date, publishing on the current date gives your new reader a new content to read and the old reader gets to know that you have changed something in the post So he will be able to read the post again.
what have you learned
In the last, we would like to tell you that if you have the passion and passion to do something, then you will definitely get success in it, but it takes time to make a plant from seed and from tree to tree, so you should be patient and keep working on your blog regularly
In this post, we have told you the ways to increase traffic on the blog. If you follow him, then good traffic will start coming to your blog in both. How did you feel and commented.
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