

How dangerous and in which part of human is 'coronovirus' ?

How dangerous and in which part of human is 'coronovirus' ?


Most cases of this virus are being seen in China itself, in which case the answer to this question could not be found. There are several types of coronaviruses. Virus' Novell spread in Wuhan.Is coronavirus'. For this reason, it is also called 'Wuhan virus'. Also alpha and son coronaviruses. Coronaviruses were never taken seriously until the year 2003. When the virus spread through bats, it spread as SARS. Now a research has revealed that this time the coronavirus is said to have thrived through snakes.

Why is this virus dangerous?

The most worrying thing is that there is no vaccine yet available for Novel Coronavirus or Wuhan virus. Not only this, doctors also have no way of treating it. For this reason, it has been decided to seal China's cities as an alert. Since the virus can spread from one sick person to another, due to this, a solution has come to reduce the movement of people. A person sick from this can infect any other healthy person.

Inactive doing this part of human being?

Wuhan virus or novel koranavirus has not been seen before. This time the koranavirus is also more dangerous because it looks like SARS. It rapidly attacks human respiratory system and makes it inactive. This is happening in China.

What is the situation in pakistan?

At present, there are some cases about this virus in Pakistan, some patient has been found yet, but since there is a common cold and fever, there is a great need to take care.

 Cleanliness also needs to be taken care of in and around the house.

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